One Room Challenge: Week Thre
Gretchen Rose
I can’t believe it is already week three of the One Room Challenge! Anyone else think time is flying by?!?!
If you read my post last week, we were unfortunately unable to have the chandelier installed yet (sigh)… which actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise (yay)! I needed a canopy and a downrod, so I ordered both of those and they came in yesterday! This morning I dropped everything (chandelier, downrod, canopy and hardware) off at a local lighting store Alcott & Bentley . I wanted to be sure that I had all the necessary parts so that we are ready to go when the electrician comes back next week! While there, I found the most beautiful ceiling medallion. They had so many options to choose from, but I think I picked the perfect one to compliment my chandelier! Sneak peek below!
Finding the perfect ceiling medallion isn’t hard when you have so many beautiful options - you literally cannot go wrong! Thank you, Alcott & Bentley!
Now that the medallion is checked off my ORC list, what else have I accomplished this week?
I chose a paint color!!! Yep. Only took a week. I feel like that is typical, right? I had to wait on the couch to arrive (it came in last Friday!) so that I could be sure which color worked best. The paint is ordered, and once it arrives I will share ALL ABOUT my selection process, as well as the company that I am so honored to partner with.
Here are just a few of the details! Art from my friend and incredibly talented artist Mel Remmers (shop here:, paint color (find here: Clare Paint), vintage sconce, sofa fabric, and a snippet of some seriously lovely Rifle Paper Co wallpaper (shop all of Rifle’s options here:
Wallpaper is also selected and on order! If all works out as planned, I will have a bit of leftover paper from the roll that I am excited to use for a special project. Can you guess what paper company I chose for this room? (Hint, they are the best, and mentioned in the caption above).
When designing a unique space, the details can make or break the mood of the room! I am steering far away from “coastal vibes” for my home, so I am incorporating some colors on the “moody” scale. Nothing “light, bright, and airy” to see here! Ha! Vintage finds from a local store, Shop Paire (check out on insta @shoppaire).
Plans for next week:
-Install chandelier and medallion
-Patch holes and drywall from above installation
-Replace outlet covers (they have already been painted over 10 times hahah)
-Custom framing for beautiful artwork from a dear friend of mine
That’s all! I’m sure there are probably more things going on that I am simply forgetting, but that’s basically the gist of where I am in this 8 week process. How about you?!? Are you participating? If so, please leave a comment with a link to your blog so that I can check it out! If you aren’t joining, maybe you have a favorite “one to follow”, so drop that below too! Have a lovely rest of your week, y’all!
Follow along on everyone’s journey below!