Spring 2022 One Room Challenge: Week 1 & 2
Gretchen Rose
If you came here via Instagram, then you know I am participating in the One Room Challenge again! It started last week (yes I am already behind on blog posts) and I am very excited to share our project vision and progress!
The Project: We are renovating our primary bathroom (down to the studs gut job) and refreshing the bedroom! Full disclosure, we got started early on the bathroom (go to Bathroom Demo for details on that). Thank goodness we got that head start though… with all of the supply chain delays and not having the time to work on it “full time”, we will barely be done in time as it is!
The Budget: For the bathroom, we received quotes from professional contractors ranging from 15k to 30k. If you have seen any of my posts about the bathroom… you will know it is very, VERY small. I just couldn't fathom spending that much on such a small space, so we decided to do it ourselves - with the help of my father in law! This means we have paid for materials only, and the labor has been free, which has saved us thousands.
As far as the budget for the bedroom goes, it isn’t a serious reno, so the budget is small. We are changing paint colors, lighting, drapes, bed, bedding, rug, etc.
The Inspo/Design: I am going for a “modern European Cottage” vibe with a touch of granny chic because why not? This means some extra layers, a few patterns, lots of textures, and cozy colors. I want to feel like I’m in the English countryside (without having to fly there because I hate flying)! The bathroom will be an updated but classic style, complete with penny tiles, wood tones, and chrome fixtures.
Here are my mood boards for the two spaces!
For the sake of budget and time, I selected in stock items (vanity, shower doors, tiles, etc).
Getting cozy cottage vibes yet?
Here are a couple of before photos for your viewing pleasure. HA!
As you can see, there is only one way to go from here. Up! But in all seriousness, when we first moved in there weren’t even floors up here other than a few pieces of plywood. The previous owner evidently caught this loft space/bedroom on fire! Way to go!
Looks cute-ish vintage from far away, but man was the speckled tile ugly and dirty. Not to mention the extremely low vanity that was annoying for me at 5’8, but impossible for Jordan at 6’4. Oh- and there were cracks in tiles. Everywhere. Water was going straight through to the drywall ceiling in the bathroom below. Mold, anyone?
Alrighty, now you know the brief reasons why we are renovating, what our plans are, and you’ve officially seen the before photos. Please drop by next week for more progress updates!
Don’t forget to check out all of the other participants in this Spring’s One Room Challenge! Everyone is working hard on their spaces and we could ALL use the support and encouraging words! Follow this link to check in: www.oneroomchallenge.com/orc-blog
Thanks, y’all!